On Wednesday, June 18th, the girls and I flew to San José, Costa Rica, to visit my friend Andrea and her family. I've known Andrea since college 9 years ago and had been wanting to visit her all these years. I could hardly believe that I was finally there when the plane landed.
As soon as we got to Andrea's, my girls hit it off well with Andrea's two kids, Kristel, who just turned 6, and Gabriel, who is about to turn 4. Natalie went a little nuts painting.
We visited a big mall where the kids wanted to ride on every little ride and on a carousel. I wonder if the girls felt like they were at the Florence Mall...

On Friday Andrea drove us to the beach, about 45 minutes away from a city called Jacó. This was my first time on the Pacific coast. It would've taken a much longer drive in the States to get to the Pacific! Kids enjoyed getting covered with sand (I'm still cleaning out Emily's ears, a week later!), and fearless Natalie kept plunging face first into waves. She would just laugh as I would fish her from under the water. Crazy kid.

On Saturday, June 21st, was the long-awaited Birthday party for Kristel and Gabriel. It was held at chicken restaurant (kind of like KFC, except they also have KFCs there!), and it was all organized by an employee, along with the games and the food. Emily reluctantly participated, maybe because she wasn't sure about all the instructions she was hearing in Spanish. Natalie had no clue what the games were about and just ran around with everyone.

On Sunday morning we went to Andrea's church. Unlike most of the Costa Rican population, she is not Catholic. Her church belongs to the Assembly of God denomination. The service was a huge blessing to me, the songs were beautiful and the pastor preached a wonderful sermon, I understood all of it. :) I snapped a quick photo of him. No, he doesn't look like this because he is mad about me taking the picture, he was just speaking about something very serious.

I also took loads of pictures of plants and flowers. I especially loved the serene view of a place not too far from the volcano, where Dmitri and I went on a 'canopy tour.' Now, do you know what a canopy tour is?
Well, here we are, getting ready to go. I was pretty nervous as we were strapped with all the equipment, having a hard time fathoming that I would actually get to fly through the jungle holding on to a rope.
Well, as soon as I was pushed off the platform with a 'bye-bye,' all my fears disappeared and were replaced with pure exhilaration.
Dmitri made everyone laugh as he zipped through the trees with a Tarzan scream.
It took us about 2 hours to go on 17 ropes. Since it was raining, the ropes were slick which increased the speed with which we flew between the trees. The last rope was like the grand finale - it was very long and we flew at about 50 mph. I wanted to do that one again and again.
On Wednesday, it was Dmitri's turn to visit the Pacific coast for the first time in his life. We took a bus to a city called Puntarenas, and played in bath-temperature water. Yes, the girls got a mud wrap again, and I joined them this time.

After playing on the beach, we walked over to a cafe across the street where we took a shower. Most cafes along the ocean have showers and even though they don't have hot water, it's not freezing. Here are the girls after getting cleaned up.
While I was still in the shower, Dmitri ordered us a snack. He ordered some french fries and then a dish called 'carnepapas', and was surprised when I asked him why he had ordered two platters of french fries (one of them topped with barbecued meat). He had hoped that one of the dishes would have his favorite fried plantains. When I asked the server if they had that, he said no. So, we ate what was brought to us and we didn't want to see french fries for a long time after that. Oh, Dmitri also ordered a fruit salad, and over there it's definitely an art form. They spoon some shaved ice into the bottom of the dish, followed by pieces of watermelon, papaya, strawberries and pineapple, then some strawberry jello, custard syrup and top it with a scoop of ice cream and a pirouline cookie. Wow... now that's a fruit salad!
We got to the airport and that's where the fun began.
Even though initially I was told that there were enough empty seats, I was disappointed to find out that there were 2 seats left and there were still 3 people ahead of us on the stand-by list. But, at the last moment, by God's grace, we got seats! This is what the girls looked like when we finally sat down:
We flew to Cincinnati, picked up my suitcase that had arrived the night before, and my friend Yulia drove us home. The girls were excited to see the neighbor boy and ran to him telling him that we just came from far away. The neighbor gave me the big stack of mail that she was picking up daily. I immediately wished that I could live in Costa Rica. Why? Because there are no street names. There are no house numbers. And there are no mailboxes. So, I would NOT get piles of credit card offers that we can't catch up shredding. Oh, and if you wonder how people communicate - well, pretty much everyone has email! A few people have PO Boxes, but they are not cheap. So, most people never get mail. Sounds like a dream to me as I am looking at the 'to be shredded' bucket filled to the brim.

Time went by way too fast. We could hardly believe that we were already gone for a week. On Thursday morning we said 'hasta luego' to Andrea's home and headed for the airport.
I especially loved the view from her front door. One can see mountains from just about any place in Costa Rica.
I especially loved the view from her front door. One can see mountains from just about any place in Costa Rica.

We fly stand-by, so it should've not been a surprise to us when we were not able to get out. Well, Dmitri did get a seat and had to run off, leaving Emily sobbing and me somewhat catatonic, unsure of what to do next. I called Andrea and asked her if we could have breakfast with her. She was happy to come back and pick us up. While we were waiting for her, Emily said, "It's a good thing we didn't leave. It's beautiful here." After breakfast, Andrea took us back to the airport for another try. I was reluctant to even go back, knowing that most likely we wouldn't leave, or, worse, fly out and get stuck in Altanta. Well, that's exactly what happened. We were unable to get seats on the 11pm flight, and Dmitri reserved us a hotel room using our rewards points. We got there a little past midnight and had some popcorn and water. The girls were enjoying our little adventure. We went to bed after 1am and after a restless night I got up at 5:30. After breakfast we headed back to the airport.

After mac & cheese for lunch, we all took a very long nap. Now, the day after, we are adjusting to our normal life, but deeply miss the friends and the places in Costa Rica. We hope to return there again soon.
Well, I'm signing off now - I've got lots to do after being gone for a week. Thank you for reading our story!