Just now at lunch, Natalie declares that something just 'came' to her. Then she proceeds to recite words of wisdom as though memorized from the Bible (verse references and all). This is what I was blessed by hearing:
Proverbs 20:11 - "Whatever your mom or dad gives you to eat, you should eat it all."
Proverbs 20:9 - "Whatever your sister does to you, you should still love her."
Proverbs 29:11 - "Whenever your mom and dad say that they want alone time, you should do your own fun thing." (My personal favorite).
Now, let's look up the actual verse reference and see if they are close to what she 'recited.'
Proverbs 20:11 - "Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right."
Proverbs 20:9 - "Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”?"
Proverbs 29:11 - "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."
Hmmm... All of these are really good too! However, one more verse comes to mind, Revelation 22:18 - "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book." Do Natalie's words of wisdom count as "adding" to God's words? :)
I love my girl and her sweet heart that is eager to praise God. Can't wait to see what He will do in her life!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Grandma
June 27, 1925-April 11, 2012
Our tulips on a table cloth that my grandma embroidered. She was one stylish lady and created much beautiful handiwork, including her own top-of-the-line clothes.
My grandparents in 1950s. Aren't they a great looking couple?
Four generations! My grandmother holding my sister, my great-grandmother holding me, and my mom. (March 1979)
Another four generations, now celebrating the birth of my sister's son, Daniel, in 2001.
My mom and grandma in July 2007. My grandma missed my mom's arrival by only 6 days, dying on April 11th, 2012.
This is when I last saw her in 2007. I am sad that Emily will not meet her this September, and that grandma never held any of my children. She was a hard-working woman, doing everything with excellence. My mouth still waters just thinking about her pies and pelmeni. I am grateful for having known her and that I still have a reminder of her in my home every day - her intricate labor of love.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
101 Days!
On Friday, March 16, we hit 101 days of school! Normally elementary schools celebrate 100 days, but our 100th day happened on a day of co-op when we are gone all day. The next morning the girls left for FL for a week. So, that Friday was the best day to ease them back into our school routine by having a Dalmatian party. I got the idea from a lady at church who is known for her crazy energy (and tie-dye shirts). I was all excited to go to a party store to get lots of Dalmatian supplies (I honestly had no idea what I would find!), but my wise husband requested that I not spend anything on this event. Hmmm... the night before the Spirit of Thriftyness aided me and at 11pm (after a super-busy day, complete with Small Group), I dug through my big mending bag that hasn't been touched in months. Some stuff has been there for years and, having grown up in the USSR, I could not bring myself to throw anything away because of one (or a few) holes. Anyways, Dmitri's two old white socks (even with holes!) turned into two perfect headbands complete with floppy ears. And, I didn't even have to do anything with his two old work t-shirts (yes, with holes and yellow armpits), they were neatly folded on the table, covered with a sign, "Put 101 Spots on the Shirt!"
Here is the picture outline of our party.

This morning I was nearly moved to tears when Emily prayed before breakfast, thanking God for "our mommy who is doing a good job teaching us." I guess I have finally tasted a little sweet nugget of Proverbs 31:28, "Her children arise and call her blessed." That gives me more than enough peace and joy to get through the rest of today, even if they are bad puppies!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Summing up 2011
These last few days I have spent a lot of time thinking about this past year and how different my life was from before. On December 31, 2010, I drove home after my last day at the church office, crying, and feeling lost in the world. Dmitri was flying and the girls were up north with their grandparents. A big chapter in my life ended – my life as I had known it being a full-time working mom. For weeks before January 1st, I was making one list after another, planning out the days and weeks of my new career. My to-do lists got longer and longer but I was convinced that I would finally accomplish all (or most) of the things that I had been yearning to do for years and never had the time. A year later, I looked back and realized that close to none of those things actually got done! What? I was SOOO busy, every day! I can’t believe that 365 days went by and I NEVER sat down to scrapbook Natalie’s or Julie’s albums, I NEVER sat down to pore over design tutorials online or finally learned Photoshop – that I had been eager to have for years. As I started to feel a bit depressed, Dmitri gently reminded me that I actually accomplished a lot last year. For one thing, when I was making all those lists, I never considered (or even imagined) that I would end up home schooling a first- and a third-grader, while nursing a baby every few hours. WOW! That changed my time-management in a huge way…

It is January 3 and my sweet baby turned 11 months… What an amazing time this has been. We have made so many memories as a family, and I have tasted God’s mercy and grace like never before. I am praying for 2012 to be filled with love and gratitude – first in my heart; and may my children see it and learn it from me. I can sum up 2011 with this – I lived that year knowing that there was NOTHING that I would ever regret, even if everything didn’t get checked off of my to-do list. Nothing is more valuable than time with my girls and my husband and I feel that time was spent well last year.

Now, I do know a few super-moms who are home schooling, blogging, cooking incredible meals, scrap booking, reading amazing books… And I too want to do so much, but in 2011 I spent quite a bit of time getting to know my kids, teaching them about forgiveness again and again, getting to know myself (and not liking it often), and getting to know this new career of a stay-at-home, home schooling mom, AND a wife of a pilot with his crazy schedule.

It is January 3 and my sweet baby turned 11 months… What an amazing time this has been. We have made so many memories as a family, and I have tasted God’s mercy and grace like never before. I am praying for 2012 to be filled with love and gratitude – first in my heart; and may my children see it and learn it from me. I can sum up 2011 with this – I lived that year knowing that there was NOTHING that I would ever regret, even if everything didn’t get checked off of my to-do list. Nothing is more valuable than time with my girls and my husband and I feel that time was spent well last year.

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