On Friday, March 16, we hit 101 days of school! Normally elementary schools celebrate 100 days, but our 100th day happened on a day of co-op when we are gone all day. The next morning the girls left for FL for a week. So, that Friday was the best day to ease them back into our school routine by having a Dalmatian party. I got the idea from a lady at church who is known for her crazy energy (and tie-dye shirts). I was all excited to go to a party store to get lots of Dalmatian supplies (I honestly had no idea what I would find!), but my wise husband requested that I not spend anything on this event. Hmmm... the night before the Spirit of Thriftyness aided me and at 11pm (after a super-busy day, complete with Small Group), I dug through my big mending bag that hasn't been touched in months. Some stuff has been there for years and, having grown up in the USSR, I could not bring myself to throw anything away because of one (or a few) holes. Anyways, Dmitri's two old white socks (even with holes!) turned into two perfect headbands complete with floppy ears. And, I didn't even have to do anything with his two old work t-shirts (yes, with holes and yellow armpits), they were neatly folded on the table, covered with a sign, "Put 101 Spots on the Shirt!"
Here is the picture outline of our party.

Counting 101 cheerios. The girls were shocked that 101 of them barely cover the bottom of the bowl. They were very concerned that I would not let them eat any more than that!

However, I could not let my puppies starve! So, they added another couple hundred cheerios into their bowls.

Making Dalmatian ears. Natalie wanted to paint them, but I insisted on Sharpies!

Making Dalmatian shirts.

Emily decided to make collars.

Julie enjoyed observing all the party activities. She would NOT keep the ears on long enough for me to snap a picture. Bad puppy.

Exercise break! While "Who Let the Dogs Out" was blaring in the kitchen, the girls had 101 seconds for jumping jacks and a bit later, sit ups.

Making Puppy Chow. I happened to have a bag of Easter M&Ms from one or two years ago. I knew dark chocolate was still fine! The girls counted 51 M&Ms (I could NOT let them eat 101!), 51 raisins, and 101 popcorn kernels. Like with the cheerios, they were shocked to see how few 101 popcorn kernels were! I popped them, and then of course I popped a bunch more!

Playful puppies.

They realized that not only do puppies NOT use their paws for eating, but they do not eat at the table. So, down they went.

Time for some worksheets! I found a few just by searching "101 Dalmatians Worksheets" online.

The weather was perfect, so I took my puppies out for a walk.

I cooked an elaborate lunch of Dalmatian Rice. Um.. it was just rice and black beans! (I did saute some onions for flavor). The girls, um, puppies, gobbled it up!

And, of course, the party would not be complete without the reading of "101 Dalmatians!" Also, I kept playing the music score from the movie all morning. I was surprised at how intense most of the music was. I couldn't remember that many scary parts in the movie!

Our party was a howling success! On to finish off our school year, hopefully by the end of June. Oh, and did I mention that we celebrated ONE HUNDRED AND ONE DAYS? And that I am still here, haven't run away, or beaten my children? I, the one who loved working full-time and never imagined (or wanted) to stay home full-time, and especially to home-school? God indeed is amazing and I feel incredibly blessed to shepherd the gifts that He has entrusted me with.
This morning I was nearly moved to tears when Emily prayed before breakfast, thanking God for "our mommy who is doing a good job teaching us." I guess I have finally tasted a little sweet nugget of Proverbs 31:28, "Her children arise and call her blessed." That gives me more than enough peace and joy to get through the rest of today, even if they are bad puppies!
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