Thursday, March 10, 2011

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day...

Last week we got a few rainy and cloudy days, but inside the sun was shining! Check out these beauties in their new swimming suits!

It was cold outside but inside the smell of yummy chicken vegetable soup filled the air. Julie was sleeping peacefully in my front carrier as I chopped and stirred.

Emily was working on a Birthday card for her favorite ('farriet') cousin Katerina.

The evening ended with a relaxing bath time.

We've been excited to see signs of spring's imminent arrival.

We decided to make garden in a box this year. Well, two boxes. Here they are being built:

Emily helped stain the wood. Natalie got it on her jacket, permanently, and thus was banned from further "painting" help much to her displeasure.

On one of our first spring-like days, Emily and the neighbor girls filled the street with loud squeals of excitement - they found dinosaur bones! "People from the newspaper and TV are going to come to interview us and take our pictures!" After digging out the rocks, um, bones, they proceeded to wash them carefully and dry them with paper towels. I'm not sure which museum they are going to end up in. For right now they are being stored in the neighbor's front yard.
Ah, Natalie's passion - making soup! She simply loves emptying out the cabinet with pans and storage containers and cooking up some deliciousness with rocks, leaves and old mums that didn't survive the winter.
Julie is squinting from the unusual bright thing in the sky. Every breeze would make her inhale deeply. I wonder what she is thinking as her senses are picking up various smells and sounds.

My three girls together. It seems like it was only yesterday that Emily and Natalie were just as tiny.

March 3, Julie turned 1 months old. The midwife came over to check her out and to weigh her.

At birth, she weighed 7lbs 5 oz. A month later, she weighed 8 lbs 7 oz.
She still spends quite a bit of time sleeping during the day. The swing is a life-saver! It stays by our dining room table where Natalie works on her letters and numbers.

Here she is making numbers out of play-dough.
Here she is doing what she does best - being a princess!
Oh, and a week or two ago I became convinced (after weeks of speculation) that our Sprinkles is indeed pregnant! We can't wait for the new arrivals this spring!

Another favorite activity at our home - story time!

So, these are some snap shots of what our life here looks like. Nothing super exciting, but every moment is precious as I watch my girls grow.

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